Unpacking, Volume 3: When It All Blows Up In Your Face...

Welp... It was like a bad John Legend sing along. From "She Don't Have to Know" to "Everybody Knows". Only much to the chagrin of the church, I felt the latter about missing my Boyfriend #2. The church leaders wanted... or maybe needed me to go back to my husband and fix it. Make it work. Repent and fit in the box. There I was, stripped of my position in the church and with a First Lady that wouldn't speak my name or acknowledge my presence. So, I tried to humble myself an fit in the box. And I failed.

Then, I moved out in August 2007.
Tried a last ditch marriage retreat in February 2008.
My divorce was finalized April 7, 2008.
Found out I was pregnant in June 2008.
Boyfriend #2's divorce finalized in January 2009.

My divorce was clean cut and easy. Boyfriend # 2, not so much. It was drug out and he was drug through the mud. We did move in together eventually close to the winter of 2008 because it didn't make sense to have two places and two sets of bills if we were going to always be together at one of the locations.

Our children were young at the time and kind of just went with the flow. My ex was angry when I moved out, had a girlfriend by the time we went on that last ditch retreat, and he was remarried by October 2008, as soon as the required six month waiting period was complete, to his girlfriend.

So... It seemed as if we had made it out clean. It had taken awhile but it was all worth it, right?
We had WON! The prize: Each other.

Unpacking, Volume 4: Justin

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