New Year, Renewed Blog
I'm baaaaaaack. For real this time 😂 For each and every individual person who stopped me in the store, at the bank, at the mall asking "WHERE IS THE BLOG🤔", thank you. I had no idea you were reading. Had no idea that anyone even cared about my lil blog. Apparently, a lot of us are voyeurs at heart and that's ok. Me too! My apologies. I needed a minute... or 2... or 3... or SEVERAL years to figure me out. I tried to start blogging again a few times and just couldn't get it together. I was stuck. It's been a journey getting from critical condition to where I am now. I was raising kids, most of which are now grown. To raise good, kind humans that I not only love but also really like as individuals has been an amazing journey. I started my job and got a promotion that increased my income by over 22k at the end of my first year. Seven months later, PANDEMIC. I went through a deep depression. DEEP. DEPRESSION. Key words: went through. One of my dogs died. I go...
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