New Year, Renewed Blog

I'm baaaaaaack. For real this time 😂

For each and every individual person who stopped me in the store, at the bank, at the mall asking "WHERE IS THE BLOG🤔", thank you. I had no idea you were reading. Had no idea that anyone even cared about my lil blog. Apparently, a lot of us are voyeurs at heart and that's ok. Me too!

My apologies. I needed a minute... or 2... or 3... or SEVERAL years to figure me out. I tried to start blogging again a few times and just couldn't get it together. I was stuck. It's been a journey getting from critical condition to where I am now. 

I was raising kids, most of which are now grown. To raise good, kind humans that I not only love but also really like as individuals has been an amazing journey.

I started my job and got a promotion that increased my income by over 22k at the end of my first year. Seven months later, PANDEMIC.

I went through a deep depression. DEEP. DEPRESSION. Key words: went through. 

One of my dogs died. 

I got to see myself. I wasn't who I thought I was. It was interesting and an experience that required extreme growth. 

January 2024: I have decided to pick up the ball that I dropped and head back to the court. I'm baaaaaaack and excited to share. Journaling helps me clear my mind, FSO, and stay focused on the imparted things. 

My hope is that sharing pieces of myself and my journey can help someone else.  Life will trick you into thinking it's only you but I'm here to tell you WE are not alone. 

Now, if you're riding with me, here are the FAQs:

  • Questions about a post? Email me: All questions will be answered monthly on a virtual podcast. I thrive in transparent spaces. No question goes in answered. Questions can be anonymous. 
  • Off topic? I'm all over the place. If I'm telling you a story and think of something that ties in, we're gonna visit it. I promise to bring you back and finish what we started.
  • Something you want to talk about that we haven't touched on yet? Let's discuss! We can talk about whatever. Again, questions can be anonymous. 
  • Don't like me? Here to judge? Girl, bye. Find something safe to do that'll benefit you. This ain't that. This is a free space with free speech. Keeping your eyes on your own paper is $FREE.99😘.


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